Thursday, January 12, 2012

Doughnut Hole

I was once told "You sound like a person who sees the hole of a doughnut, but the doughnut itself."  As I was wondering what that meant, he added "You seem to pay more attention to what you don't have in your life rather than what you do."  Interestingly enough, that was a comment made by someone who I had just met on a plane, flying from Osaka to Tokyo which took less than 90 minutes.

This is an episode in December 2001 and I have been thinking about what he said over and over for the last ten years.  Lately, I finally realized something; the remark the stranger kindly gave me indicates that I do not appreciate what I have in my life but rather focus on what I'm lacking and overpower it.  In other words, I am not enjoying my life up to its full potential.

I know it is not an easy work to break your old habit but I will stop staring at the hole to discuss its size, shape, or etc.  Instead, I will grab the doughnut and eat to share its kind, flavor and texture with others.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Write like No One is Reading...

Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth.” - Mark Twain

What does this poem suggest you?  Do whatever you feel content in the way you like.  It does not matter what others may think or say, just free yourself and do what you want to do to please your soul.

Here is another quote reinforcing the idea:

"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be he must be." - Abraham Maslow

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fifty Poems

For the last fifty days, I wrote one poem a day without fail.  This means that I have written fifty poems.  This is an accomplishment that I am proud of.

Now, I will move on to a new writing scheme; I am going to focus on learning and completing the textbook on script writing so as to start writing an actual script.  This blog will be updated periodically.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Regardless of Appearances


It is easy to follow someone who is leading ahead
In that way, you don't have to think as much as the leader does

It is easy to think the way suggested by others
In that way, you don't have to face the truth

It is not so easy to think regardless of appearances
You need to nurture a keen sense of insight to identify the truth

It is not so easy to think the way you want to think
That is the way, however, to create your world the way you want


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Think for All


Those who emphasize how important they are
Those who try to hide their weaknesses
Those who control others' minds
They are living in a competitive world

In the competitive world
There will be no true friendship
There will be no constructive relationship
There will be no development toward riches

So beware
If you are trying to beat someone to win a prize
You may be governed by a competitive mind
Drop the idea, right away, and switch to think for all


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Act in a Certain Way


According to Wallace Wattles
Anyone can become rich
When they act in a certain way

If you think freely the way you want to think
If you offer more value in use than in cash that you receive in exchange
If you act upon the creative mind rather than the competitive mind
If you do what needs to be done on that day
If you do those things in an efficient manner
If you show enough gratitude toward the universe

You can start from scratch
All you need is purpose and faith
Clear purpose and unwavering faith to seize wealth
Not everyone is meant to be a millionaire
But if you have an innate passion for it, you can


Monday, March 28, 2011

Friendly Universe


If there is someone who you feel foreign or even fearful
You can eliminate the feeling only by knowing the person
Then, you will know the fear was born from your illusion
Illusion that was made up with what you heard and what your mind wanted to believe

People tend to avoid or have negative feelings toward "unknown"
Without having a direct, sincere communication with them
They judge those unknown by appearance or rumor

As Albert Einstein said, you may want to ask yourself a question
"Is this a friendly universe?"
If you are creating a friendly universe around you
You must be happy and blessed
